Today was productive.
I laugh because for an unemployed guy I still can't make time for my own writing.
At any rate I am accomplishing things that will hopefully pay me soon.
I finished the rough draft of the article for the magazine Coastal Life.
I also finished the rough draft for the sponsorship package for my children's theatre company.
They took all day between the two of them
I work diligently from 9-5 daily in order to keep a semblance of order in this disorganized time
I have discovered that I enjoy writing and I truly do like doing some of this administrative stuff
The writing is more fun and today I thought to myself, if I could get regular work as a freelance writer I would also be quite happy
I remember her telling me that she had a lot of faith in my writing
I am drawn back time and time again to the thought I should just write that novel
Doesn't everyone want to write a novel?
I mean really.
But honestly, I have enjoyed creative writing since even before I knew about acting
I have short stories on my computer as it is
I have attempted play and film writing but don't find it works as well for me
So maybe the novel format.
Stories in me abound, I can translate my life and my friends life's into enough stories to span generations I am sure
Each summer adventure is a tale, add some embellishment, a murder and whamo instant soft cover copy best selling trash
Oh yes of course we need a literary agent and that is about as hard as getting an acting career
Oh a publisher would help
Oh the time, well that one I can do myself.
So the thought exists, but it brings me back to that simple issue
What do I do in the meantime to make a living while I work on that writing
That is my issue
It is the issue that makes me unworthy in many eyes, causes me relationship issues, and personal life issues
God it would be nice to buy dinner and not hesitate,
Some basic health care anyone?
Maybe that would help to screw my head on right so I would stop f*&#ing up
But in the meantime, I got those two things done today.
Yeah me.