Friday, August 20, 2010


Some days are good.
Some are bad
Today a day where I think
Why did I even try?
Why did I not have the strength to say goodbye with the first sign?
Why and why and why?

Others say I am good?
I agree.
So really why did I do this to me?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Jeremy Renner says
"when you are as old as me, you find you love only a few things
maybe it is just one thing"

And then they cut to him going back to the field, cut to him in his bomb suit.

He expresses he loves nothing but his work. Surface.
A look at the movie and his actions show that he is suicidal, looking to die
He is a looking for his suicide bomb
He loves his adrenaline, it is a drug, he loves his death because he needs escape

How can people get so cold that they lose the love they have the love that creates life in babies and leads to commitments like marriage?
How can we do what we do that pushes all that away?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Head Kick

I wrote to communicate about the debt owing
From you to me
Silence for a year of course nothing remains
But money
I have been civil and trusting that this will/can be
Resolved between us with out a court of law

Your email is no longer active, nor is your phone
So you have run
I believe that one day I will hear from you but I would like to know when
I have sent snail mail
We will see....