Friday, December 18, 2009

Confirmations and signs

Each and every day I have seen signs that say "yes" to my question of us
I wondered if I was seeking them just to set my mind at ease and so I was/am
I know somewhere inside that the truth is we are done
But still hard to accept that
No communication to express it and just stepping forward on assumption

But today I spoke to a good friend
An intuitive and spiritual friend
I looked to her for some soul advice
Without hesitation she agreed

Letting you go is loving,
An expression of who I am, of who I offered and what I am truly about
Letting you be to do your thing without animosity characterizes all that I am
It is also the truth of love
Fear is holding on, love is letting go

I know it inside and have been taking steps forward
Bigger today than yesterday and days previous
but still small by so many standards
It will take time

No one will ever be you
But one day someone will be the one
You will always be given a special place
With openness to hear you forever

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