Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Some time ago, I was at work. Feeling a little glum with the day and the way that things were going. I looked across the room to see one of my co workers on a break. This individual is someone I view as private but not reclusive. An individual who engages when others engage him. Myrthful, but only if asked. Similar in some respects to me. With that in mind I imagined that his moods would match mine, ergo; he would seem more melancholic when alone.

I looked over to him sitting cross legged on a chair stairing into the top left corner of the room. I do not know what he was thinking but it made him smile, almost laugh, and in that moment he seemed bathed in sunlight for the experience of his happiness was evident for anyone who saw.

It inspires me and reminds me that life can be/and is good. We need to appreciate the things that make us smile and live in the "being".

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