Thursday, June 21, 2007


and wonders. I have been on the road and seen many things. Too much to write about here on a borrowed computer. Another entry later. My mind runs thoughts though. Missings. Not missings. Hopes. Are some of them habits? Yes. Are some of them real? Yes. I guess in the end I just need to fully accept what is here. I do think about you you, you are never far from my mind. So much to share here. How far or or how close do we get now? I do not know the answers to anything anymore. I know that in some way I want solutions but I just sit with each moment. Things are good nothing really troubles me, yet ... I don't know. There are questions all unanswered and in some respects they need no answer. Never forgotten and a huge piece of my life, still today with intention of always. Thinks of you.

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