Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Psychic Memory

I saw a "psychic" not too long before I left for the cruise
I never told you this but this is what she said

You will travel by water (I did not know about the cruise at this time)
You will make/earn lots of money (I was broke)
You will meet the woman of your dreams/marry her (I was single, without hope)

The universe hands me many things
This is how I, in addition to all the reality of us, know that we are meant for each other
You said I was the one, I said the same, reality says other wise
Two of three, pretty impressive, three if you count the proposal
I am left to wonder...

What does the universe bring, how does it all wrap together
Hopeless Romantic has ideas
Realist has ideas also

Live by the realist let the romantic surprise me

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