Friday, March 28, 2008


Are interesting creatures.
As I sat, waiting patiently, (impatiently) for the bus
Outside the WalMart (evil conglomerate),
A worker came by.
He was an older heavy set gentleman (loosely)
His duties entailed picking up the trash, using a broom to sweep cigarette butts into a little bin and tasks of the sorts
He seemed to me to be at the mercy of the world
A set of clothes that did not fit him
A slack jaw mouth
A, what appeared to be, a damaged eye
A waddling walk, seemingly the result of a damaged leg.
He swept haphazardly, he emptied the bins with little care, leaving trash behind
I noticed he had no gloves and seemed not to care
I noticed little pride in what he was doing
It made me think that even in a position of his I would be fighting to do my best
In the hopes that I could progress
This does not make me special or better just different
For I could be that individual being commented on by another
I said hello and he responded as an equal
A co worker came by and he responded as a slave
I recalled a conversation the night previous of backwater towns
and a simpler life that did not keep up with today's technology
and a specific phrase came to mind.
Someone else said it but it seemed to make sense to me here
The phrase was "bred into ignorance".
It made me sad and thoughtful.

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