Friday, April 4, 2008

Jogging on the Beach

The sun is warm
Beating on my skin
Keeping me very warm hot
I start off on the tourist road
Shops and hustle and bustle
Walking quickly to get the bones and muscles working
I round the bend and drop into a light trot
In my ears some music I want to hear
A beat beat beat that will help me keep pace
I get to the end of the parking lot and pick up the pace
My shirt comes off and I begin to move
Faster, hotter, faster, hotter
My mouth is dry but it feels great to be outside
No treadmill today
I jog
On my right all the pretty people laying on the sand
Tanning and absorbing
I look beyond that to the crystal blue waters of the Bahamas
They are gorgeous, the most amazing colour I have ever seen
I breathe it in
For as much as it is a very hot day a beautiful breeze comes off the ocean
The breeze cools the sweat on my torso and gives me the push to carry on
Jogging on the beach, feeling the heat, feeling the breeze
I am free


Apples and Arrows said...

The bluest blue, where all is hidden. You dive and get lost.

Chaos said...

That is a very intense thought and it captures much of the feeling in my post. There is a freedom. I jogged again two days ago, completely free of the strains of the day. I like what I read of your blog, I am in a location difficult to post and read but I will do so when I can.

Apples and Arrows said...
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Apples and Arrows said...

I post out of an urge. I like structures, forms and creating new meanings but don't use it often. I don't post beauty, but honesty. I like your blog. I too am not able to log in often but I try. I like reading what I can also feel.