Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Do you ever wonder about that moment when everything is set in motion? When you see the course of events where you are at today, this second, do you ever look back retrospectively and see the point where it began? The moment in time that began this thousand step journey? What if you could change that moment? or maybe not change it but see its alternate timeline? To say wow this is it, rush in headlong? To say this is not it and never go there? To approach with greater or less caution? Something anything.

As I entered this timeline some confusions sat with me. I chatted with a friend one day and the response was just flow, you will never know where you end up if you stop now. This of course was based on the idea that nothing was wrong or hurting in that moment and there were no definitive signs to putting oneself in a detremental situation. To this thought I agree. It was my own thought, in that moment needing some level of support which I recieved.

The difficulty sits in the moment when that path ends. The change sets in and so many new things come about. A thought of mine: Change happens instantaneously, the process leading to it is sometimes lengthy but when a decision is made then the change is instant. When that change is not everything I want I wonder about the moment that took me to the moment of change and think what if, wouldn't it be nice just to see the other timelines.

Finally, there is no regret in these moments. I choose carefully as to not regret. Also and more important every second before got me to here and here is valuable regardless of how it feel because learning occurs and I grow. In the end it is just curiosity about those other timelines. In the end didn't curiosity kill the cat?

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