Monday, March 15, 2010


I have had wierd dreams lately
Involving people in my life
who although are part of it are more
in the outside circle

Dreams involving bold actions
big cities and then their contrast
meek actions or none

Vivid and powerful
yet I do not know how to connect them

1 comment:

Apples and Arrows said...

Dreams. Interesting talking about connections. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about them. I often have those dreams. Sometimes very descriptive, sometimes they seem more like a wish, like dreaming awake. Many of these times I just want to write in a piece of paper, left on my night table, so I don't forget about them. Today, I decided to write on my blog. Althought nothing specific related to my dream, I was thinking about it, and noticed you had just published a note on dreams. Connections, people, dreams.