Monday, July 9, 2007


So I took this job doing telephone sales for the Washington Ballet, I needed some money and it seemed an easy way to make money as I teach sales skills in my day job. We have reached that point when the rate of contact is very low and the job is boring. What this lull in calls allows me is the time to think while I look out the window onto Adelaide Street listening to the phone ring on my headset. Normally this would just make for a very boring night; however, this monotony is quite medatative. As fate would have it, much has changed in my life that needs contemplation, or something. I believe everything for a reason and I guess the universe knew what was in store for me when they gave me this job. At any rate, I discovered a while back that blogging my thoughts clears them from my mind and allows me to move forward. So with that said blog machine, be prepared for some blogs.

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