Friday, October 12, 2007

Today & Brad Pitt

I got up today, still not sure how I was feeling
Unable to identify what the emotions and feelings are
Some days are like that
There is still a searching going on

I went about my day
fortunate to have the time to climb
I had a meeting as well, one I wasn't sure about

I went and laid things down with my friend
I know that my goals need shifting and found a way to do it
Knew I had to talk to this person as they have the space to help
So we discussed and some doors opened up
Things have positivity associated to them now

I meet another friend and enjoy my time
Head off to work
Standing outside, on a break
I look to my left and Brad Pitt is standing beside me (about 4 feet away)
Having a smoke and working on lines for the movie he is shooting on the third floor above me

I don't want to disturb him as I am not a star struck person
As well, he has his people nearby so I figure if I engage I will be politely asked to leave
So I take my time to watch him a bit
He is about 6foot tall
Does not look that big
I am surprised he is not a stunning looking as I thought based on photo and film
But I can see the draw to him
He paces a bit while he does his thing
Stops and pulls out the blackberry (probably Angelina, LOL)

At any rate, I watch
He looks like everyone else
He does like everyone else
And I saw myself in that moment
I have done and will do again what I watched him do today

I wonder, what does the universe throw at me when I walk away
What does it say?
Does it beckon me back?
Or remind me to follow the path and give me the clues to say when you are done the search?

I took some steps today, to work with the people who can make all my goals come true
They want to work with me, 10 years in the making
I understand the heart of my lofty ideals and I know I am closer to me
In so being I am closer to Pitt.

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