Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jogging on the Beach 4

I step outside and the sun is shining
My earphones are in and I plan to run.
I step down the gangway and see some old friends
A small detour in the plans are worth it
We sit and chat to catch up
Not much time passes, half an hour at most
It is time to part ways.

I slip on the headphones
It is really hot
I have missed this moment at my old port
the first one I came to
The moment just before I start and make my way along the beach
I slip off my shirt and the cold breeze hits me
The sun has disappeared and dark clouds have taken its place
The rains are coming

I always wanted rain while I jogged
Today it will come to be
Set the watch and off i go.
I am ten paces in
The temperature drops and the first touch of rain hits my back
I move at the same pace
There is no hurry
as the rush takes over my body

I come up to the first bend
My old path
and the rains reach a heavy pelting
I move along the street to the beach
as the rain builds
I come around the second bend
and the rain hits me harder
I step off the road onto the beach path

I keep moving
The rain has reached a peak
The wind driving it almost horizontal
It is warm water dousing my body
Running in the open shower of nature
I have chosen the short path as it is so long since my last run
I move along the beach line in the small hurricane
Feeling my body respond
I work but I love it
I hit the steep hill
With my back to the ocean I climb
Mud flying everywhere on the path
Along the of fort battery and I am brought to a stop
I must slow
Although I do not want to I am given the beauty of my sanctuary in rain
Something I have never seen.
I take it in as I walk along the top of the hill and make my way back

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