Friday, September 14, 2007


I am standing on the rooftop patio of an exclusive club
The veiw is stunning, truly one of the better in the city
She has invited me
So much inticement in her voice, her body
and I wonder how?

Five hours ago I stood outside
A place barred to those without a paper a pass
We wait, my ego sinks, if not in then I should be out
We wait, we move, we return
Someone knows someone
"I'm sorry sir, I had no idea of course"
The gates rise, I hold my pass, the rush comes

I move from place to place
I know these people
I talk, I laugh, I am enjoying this moment
"Excuse me, just want a glass of red"
"Can she have a glass of red"
"Of course sir"
"Thank you"

It is a moment
Time goes by
People leave
It is time to go
I turn around
"Thank you for the red"
"Your welcome"
"Are you coming with me?"

I wonder how as we exit?

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