Friday, September 14, 2007

Late night again

We meet, old friends
Dinner still fresh in my belly
So I chat while he eats
I am so tired from the night before and the day of work
"Don't bail!"
"Where is this party?"

And so we adventure to the place
I am under the Bay Subway
I have always wanted to see this
Tired is true but this moment does not happen often
I grab the red wine
We party with all the others
I step out of the stationary TTC car
"Um, hello"
"You are?"
And I wonder how?
"Walk with me"
And so we do
Just little circles around the platform
Our acquaintance feels to familiar
It feels nice
She smiles and giggles
I laugh
We walk, talk and mingle
It is a moment one worth enjoying
Time to go
And I wonder how?

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