Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Passion

Ever since I was a teenager I wanted to act
It is the thing I enjoyed the most
I have pursued it with undying fervor since that first night on stage
There are many years behind me in that pursuit
There are many sacrifices made
There are many tears shed, drops of blood spread

In that pursuit I became tainted
Followed for the wrong reasons
Tried too hard for the wrong outcome
Lied about what I wanted

In admitting this
I accept my flaws
In accepting I am able to see a glimmer of the untainted passion
That brief flickering flame is enough

I look at my recent past
I assess my current journey
and I understand that everything I am doing
Every push I make
Is too discover myself in greater detail
In that discovery I am passionate
In its purest form
I dig, I delve, I sacrifice in order to bring that to life
So that in understanding passion
I may cherish it again, because
I would rather die than settle for something which I am not passionate about

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