Monday, December 15, 2008


The ship is this little bubble I go to 
It is a place where reality disappears
People come and people go 
There is no current events
There is no bad day
The weather always feels the same
A safe little bubble

I went there to change my life
To clear my debts and my head
I have achieved both
I am debt free and know I am an actor
Through and through

The ship gave me more than I expected
It gave me clarity and insight into myself
It showed me what I was capable of doing for me
It allowed me personal understanding and acceptance
So that I could do things without lying to myself anymore
Without playing games against me

I thought that was enough
It was stunning but the ship gave me more again
In my clarity I became open
I became free
I became able to hear

You spoke and my soul rang 
From Quazimoto's tower
I looked down 
Afraid at first of the distance to the ground
But as time grew as I listened more
I shouted my love with the ringing of the bells
No longer afraid of the fall
I looked to the sky to soar with the eagles
To fly above everyone with joy in my heart

I had to look down to conquer my fears
I had to look down to understand the sky

The ship gave me more than I could ever have imagined
In the past I would have had to touch the ground and get comfortable again
To experience it and reassure myself that the sky was worth it
With the lessons learned on the ship
All I had to do was look down to gain that understanding of the ground
I had no need to experience it
I was open enough to call on my past, to recall what it was, to understand what it did to me
I was free enough to know the ground offered me nothing compared to you
I was clear enough to trust the wings I had grown but never tested
I love enough to test my wings with you

I have never flown before
and I am a slow learner
At first it seemed easy and I soared beside you with grace
But as I learn I discovered things I did not understand about flight
My wings are not yet fully developed 
I have troubles with them
I have tumbled from the sky in fear
Flapping violently hoping not to hit the ground
A place I no longer need or want
As I fall I cry to the heavens in my want to soar, to be free

I am open and you have taught me much too
I listen to your words and I breathed
I control my panic
I focussed and I spread my wings
With some effort I flapped them and they supported me
I looked above and you were a speck in the sky
It is a long way back to you
My wings have gained some strength and I can make the distance
It will take a while but I will soar beside you again
When I do we shall hold hands and soar together

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